The question ran through my mind as I revved the engine and thought about the long trip ahead. I was unfortunately the designated driver as Khailo conveniently deprived himself of sleep the night before and begged off having to drive.
I was warned the trip would take that long but still I bit the bait when my brother invited me. Oh wait, I just remembered, he did not invite me, I volunteered to tag along. See, I had a couple of paid-time offs to spend but not a single idea how to spend it; so without giving it another thought, I packed my bags and enlisted Khailo as my trip companion. I could hardly care whether the beach's all dried up when I got there for as long as I can brag that I did go on a weekend getaway rather than have to come up with some lame excuse about how I had to run a family errand and had to waste what could've been a great weekend.
So, after a healthy 6-am breakfast at McDonald's, we were on our way. Just couldn't wait. The first 20 minutes were fine with me driving; but because I kept losing my place in our 3-car convoy, Khailo took over. My devious plan worked out perfectly! Haha! You see, I'm actually an excellent driver. I just pretended to suck so he'd take over. (But I'm sure he'd argue that I really do suck but who'd you believe anyway?)
My expectations of the resort were quite low, really. I mean, really now, Sea Horse Resort? You'd think it would just be something obscure with hardly any charm to it. But I think it does help to be pessimistic sometimes because goodness I was impressed when we finally arrived!

I posted a few of our photos to prove I'm not making this up! Hehehe. Forgive the low quality. I took these using my phone. By the way, that island you see on the photo? It's for sale. About PHP50M. A bargain, eh? And they said Bantayan Island is about a couple of hours away from there. (And that's my next destination!!! In a couple of weeks!!! Oooh!!! Exciting!!!)
How to get to Medellin? I'm not sure I could recall the exact route we took but you can always go to Google Maps and look for Medellin, Cebu. All I know is you had to drive through a half dozen towns starting from Mandaue before finally getting there. And the ignorant little me didn't even know that Medellin is located northwest of Cebu. I got confused why the beach suddenly turned up on the left side of the road when it started out on our right.

But anyway, you want to know the rates? A mere PHP1,500 per night -- fully air-conditioned rooms. And it's really nice. The bathroom's nice and the beds too. And the place isn't crowded. But if you do decide to go there and it is indeed crowded, I would like to believe my blog had something to do with it.
Too bad I don't have shots of the room. It's in my sister's camera which my brother borrowed which my niece broke (inadvertently, if I may add) and had to have fixed. I'm guessing he may have spent more for the camera than the entire trip itself. How unlucky.
Well anyway, if you want to call Sea Horse Resort Inn, here's their number -- 032-4363188. You definitely would want to reserve a room way before the trip. (Duh!)

I'll post more photos once I get hold of the memory card from the broken camera. And I'll definitely keep you posted about my next trip!!!
Thanks for the comments! There's a new phone number for Seahorse:
032 436-2091
One of the nicest places in Cebu. By the way, is this near in Summit Circle Cebu hotel?
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